Corebai Microelectronics

Corebai Microelectronics (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (Corebai Microelectronics) was established in 2014, in the spirit of: "Creating value for customers is the value of our existence" concept, "special core development", "use core services", "create core In the future, the entrepreneurial purpose, after many years of development, obtained the high-tech enterprise certificate in 2016, and the Zhongguancun high-tech enterprise certificate in 2017 and joined the semiconductor association. Now it has applied for more than 40 layout patents. Sufficient financial strength and strong technical strength have led to the rapid development of products independently developed and successfully marketed by Corebai Microelectronics. At present, it has reached more than 100 models in three categories, all in compliance with EU RoHS standards and green environmental protection standards. The main products that have been developed are amplifiers, interface circuits, power management, time-to-digital converters, DAC digital-to-analog conversion, ADC analog-to-digital conversion, and so on.

Corebai Microelectronics Produk Pilihan

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