
GroupGets - GroupGets is an online crowd purchasing platform created by engineers for engineers developing at the edge of what is possible with electronics. The platform enables developers to group buy cutting edge parts with high minimum order quantities and crowdfund production runs for vetted hardware. GroupGets also creates hardware and software to lower technical barriers of entry for complex devices targeted by its community through its product development arm, GetLab. GroupGets was first to deliver the FLIR Lepton in sub $200k quantities via manufacturer-direct group buys back in 2014 and was the first to create a breakout board and open source firmware for Lepton. GroupGets repeats this pattern across other coveted components before they hit large scale distribution to enable rapid innovation for those who simply cannot wait.

GroupGets Produk Pilihan






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Kami menghargai pertunanganmu dengan produk dan jasa Chipsmall. Pendapatmu penting bagi kami! Silakan luangkan waktu untuk melengkapi formulir di bawah ini. Umpan balik anda yang berharga memastikan bahwa kita secara konsisten memberikan pelayanan luar biasa yang layak anda dapatkan. Terima kasih telah menjadi bagian dari perjalanan kami menuju keunggulan.