JEC is a professional in the capacitor factory, by the Taiwan electronics co., LTD in Guangdong Dongguan factories with advanced production technology, modern production equipment, and quality management system, for computer monitors, switching power supply, electric power supply, electronic rectifier, electronic energy-saving lamps, and other electrical and electronic manufacturers. Provide the following high quality capacitors: first, in the high voltage ceramic capacitors CER/CAP (Dongguan factory), ac ceramic capacitors YAC/CAP (Dongguan factory), polyester film capacitor PEI/CAP factory (Dongguan) four, metallized film capacitor MEF/CAP (Dongguan factory), radio frequency surge suppression five X2 capacitor X2AC/CAP (Taiwan factory) my company's products through the United States, Germany, Canada, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and China CQC, South Korea, Denmark eight KC certification.

JEC Produk Pilihan

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