
Beijing WinnerMicroelectronics Co.,Ltd. (WinnerMicro)is a professional IC design company, focusing on the development and sale of specific wireless communications chips and solutions in the Internet of Things field. The products are mainly used in smart home, intelligent home appliances, health care, video monitoring, industrial applications and other fields. A group of highly qualified personnel from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other domestic first-class gather here, with more than a decade of research and development experience in wireless communication chips, more than 80% of which have PHD or MD. Adhering to the years of design and application development experience, WinnerMicro is one of the most comprehensive technical and widely-applied companies in this field, occupying a high market share in a number of application areas by international competitive products. It is a pioneer and leader in the industry. Adhering to market-oriented and the core of value, the company will create, innovate and develop the promising future with one chip, one mind and one dream.

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